'; print(" "); print("\n
Jam: 09:02:32
\n"); echo"
"; include("banned_ip.php"); include("tanggal.php"); echo"

";include "./shout/shout/shout.php"; $dbfile = array_reverse(@file("./shout/shout/$shout_db")); $jmldata = count($dbfile); if ($jmldata > 0){ for ($i=0; $i<=1; $i++){ if (!$dbfile[$i]) break; $data = explode("???", $dbfile[$i]); $tampil_sm = 1; $data[0] = str_replace("adyp","adyp",$data[0]); $data[0] = str_replace("Admin","Admin",$data[0]); echo "[".$data[0]."]: ".str_replace("\r\n", "

", emo(htmlspecialchars($data[2]))); // Smilies Aktif }} print("

"); $data = file($data_file); $count = count($data); if($count > $max_entry) { $f = fopen($data_file, 'w'); rsort($data); for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { fputs($f, rtrim($data[$i]) . "\n"); } fclose($f); } function defaultpage() { global $PHP_SELF, $p, $per_page, $data_file, $divider, $time_format; require'stats.inc.php'; $pageName = "intip GB"; echo"
\n"; echo"
=[WriTe]= =[Fresh]=
"; include("stats.inc.php"); echo " Online: $online Orang
\n"; $data = file($data_file); rsort($data); $total_all = ceil(count($data)); $total_page = ceil(count($data) / $per_page); if($p < 0 || $p > $total_page) $p = 1; $no = $p * $per_page - $per_page; for($i=0; $i<$per_page; $i++) { if(isset($data[$no])) { $line = explode($divider, $data[$no]); include("name.php"); $time = gmdate($time_format, $line[0]); $time = str_replace("Mon","Senin",$time); $time = str_replace("Tue","Selasa",$time); $time = str_replace("Wed","Rabu",$time); $time = str_replace("Thu","Kamis",$time); $time = str_replace("Fri","Jum'at",$time); $time = str_replace("Sat","Sabtu",$time); $time = str_replace("Sun","Minggu",$time); include("b.php"); echo "
"; echo "
".($no + 1).". ".$time."
\n"; if($line[15]=="pm") { echo"

"; }else{echo "
  • $line[1]
  • "; if (trim($line[17])<>"" and trim($line[17])<>"http://") { if (ereg("^http://", trim($line[17]))) if (ereg("jpg|gif|png", trim($line[17]))) echo "
    "; } $msg = Text_StringFormat($line[3]); echo"{$msg}
    "; if (trim($line[4])<>"" and trim($line[4])<>"http://") { if (ereg("^http://", trim($line[4]))) echo "$line[4]
    "; else echo "http://$line[4]
    "; } if (trim($line[6])<>"" and trim($line[6])<>"@") { if (ereg("@", trim($line[6]))) echo "$line[6]
    "; } if (trim($line[7])<>"" and trim($line[6])<>"") { if (ereg("@", trim($line[6]))) echo"Ym !: $line[7]\"Y!m\"
    "; } if(trim($line[18])) { echo"
    Admin : $line[18]
    "; } echo "
    Makasih dah berkunjung di gubukku $line[1]
    "; echo "
    "; if(trim($line[16])) {echo"IP $line[5]
    "; } echo"
    "; } echo"
    \n"; } $no++; } echo'
    '; if($p > 1){ echo "[<<] ";} else{echo'[<<]';} if($total_page > 1) echo "$p/$total_page [$total_all] "; if($p < $total_page) { echo "[>>]";} else{echo'[>>]';} echo ('

    '); echo "
    \n"; echo " =[Home]= =[Panel]= =[Smiles]=
    \n"; echo"
    \n"; include("count.php");echo"
    `` Created By``
    \n"; } function form($stop) { global $PHP_SELF; echo"
    "; echo'
    '; echo "\n"; if($stop != '') echo "$stop
    \n"; echo 'Nama :

    Pesan [bb code] allowed:

    Email :

    Site URL :

    Yahoo id ! :

    Avatar :

    '; echo '
    '; die(); } function view() { global $PHP_SELF, $p, $per_page, $data_file, $divider, $pw, $password, $time_format; echo'
    Admin Panel
    '; if($password==$pw) { echo"
    "; $data=file($data_file); rsort($data); $total_all=ceil(count($data)); $total_page=ceil(count($data) / $per_page); if($p < 0 || $p > $total_page) $p=1; $no=$p * $per_page - $per_page; for($i=0; $i<$per_page; $i++) { if(isset($data[$no])) { $line=explode($divider,$data[$no]); include("name.php"); $time=gmdate($time_format, $line[0]); include("b.php"); echo"".($no + 1).". $time
    "; if(trim($line[16])) {echo"$line[16]
    "; } $msg = Text_StringFormat($line[3]); echo"{$msg}
    "; if(trim($line[18])) { echo"
    RE: $line[18]
    ";} if (trim($line[4])<>"" and trim($line[4])<>"http://") { if (ereg("^http://", trim($line[4]))) echo "$line[4]
    "; else echo "http://$line[4]
    "; } if (trim($line[6])<>"" and trim($line[6])<>"@") { if (ereg("@", trim($line[6]))) echo "$line[6]
    "; } if (trim($line[7])<>"" and trim($line[6])<>"") { if (ereg("@", trim($line[6]))) echo"\"Y!M\"/
    "; } echo"[delete] [jawab]
    "; echo "
    \n"; } $no++; } $pw = isset($pw) ? "&pw=$pw" : ''; echo''; if($p > 1){ echo "[prev] ";} else{echo'[prev]';} if($total_page > 1) echo "$p/$total_page [$total_all]"; if($p < $total_page) { echo "[next]";}else{echo'[next]';} echo'
    '; echo'
    '; }else{ echo'
    Password :

    '; } echo '
    '; die(); } function brow() { global $PHP_SELF, $p, $per_Hal, $data_file, $divider; echo'
    Browser Info
    '; $back=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; echo"Back
    "; $data = file($data_file); rsort($data); $total_page=ceil(count($data) / $per_Hal); if($p < 0 || $p > $total_page) $p = 1; $no = $p * $per_Hal - $per_Hal; for($i=0; $i<$per_Hal; $i++) { if(isset($data[$no])) { $line=explode($divider,$data[$no]); if($line[15]=="pm") { echo"browser ini pm"; }else{ echo"Browser: $line[2]
    IP: $line[5] $line[11]
    "; echo"Host: $line[8]
    Lang: $line[9]
    Port: $line[10]
    Charset: $line[12]
    Accept: $line[13]
    Wap Profile: $line[14]
    "; } } $no++; } echo"
    "; die(); } include ("text_form.php"); function textfilter($text, $len) { global $divider; $text = trim($text); $text = substr($text,0,$len); $text = htmlspecialchars($text); $text = str_replace($divider, '', $text); return $text; } switch($o) {case "add":if($kembali == "Cancel") { defaultpage(); break; } $name=str_replace("gila","",$name); $name = str_replace("gila","",$name); if(trim($name) == '' || trim($name) == 'Gila' || trim($name) == 'GILA' || trim($name) == 'gIla' || trim($name) == 'gilA' || trim($name) == 'GiLa' || trim($msg) == '' ) form('kenapa? ragu_ragu?'); if(strlen($name) < 3) if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/", $name)) form('Namanya kependekan brot.. !'); if(strlen($msg) < 25) form('Pesan ga boleh kurang dari 25 karakter!'); if ($url != "" && $url != 'http://') { if (!preg_match('#^http[s]?:\/\/#i', $url)) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } if (!preg_match('#^http[s]?\\:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)?[a-z]+#i', $url)) { $url = ''; } } if (ereg("\r\n",$url)) { $url = ''; } $url = stripslashes($url); $url = str_replace("\r\n","",$url); $url = textfilter($url,300); $url = trim($url); $name = textfilter($name,15); $msg = textfilter($msg,999999); $mail = textfilter($mail,50); $ym = textfilter($ym,20); $avatar = textfilter($avatar,300); $loc = textfilter($loc,20); $for= textfilter($for,2); $arr = array(";", "'", "\"", "(", ")", "$", "{", "}", "%", "<", ">", "|", "^"); $name = str_replace("$arr", "", $name); $mail = str_replace("$arr", "", $mail); $msg = str_replace("$arr", "", $msg); $url = str_replace("$arr", "", $url); $ym = str_replace("$arr", "", $ym); //$avatar = str_replace("$arr", "", $avatar); $loc = str_replace("$arr", "", $loc); $name = htmlspecialchars($name); $mail = htmlspecialchars($mail); //$msg = htmlspecialchars($msg); $url = htmlspecialchars($url); $ym = htmlspecialchars($ym); //$avatar = htmlspecialchars($avatar); $loc = htmlspecialchars($loc); $name = str_replace("\n", "", $name); $email = str_replace("\n", "", $email); $msg = str_replace("\n", "", $msg); $url = str_replace("\n", "",$url); $ym = str_replace("\n", "", $ym); $avatar = str_replace("\n", "", $avatar); $loc = str_replace("\n", "", $loc); $name = str_replace("\r", "", $name); $mail = str_replace("\r", "", $mail); $msg = str_replace("\r", "", $msg); $url = str_replace("\r", "", $url); $ym = str_replace("\r", "", $ym); $avatar = str_replace("\r", "", $avatar); $loc = str_replace("\r", "", $loc); include("msg.php"); require('smiles.ini.php'); $msg = str_replace($sstr, $simg, $msg); $data = file($data_file); rsort($data); if(count($data) > 3) { for($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { $line = explode($divider, $data[$i]); if($line[1] == $name && $line[3] == $msg) {flooding(); break;} } } $hp=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //$hp=explode(' ',$hp); //$hp=$hp[0]; //$hp = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //$hp = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($hp)); //$hp = str_replace("$","",$hp); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $ip = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($ip)); $ip = str_replace("$","",$ip); $ua = str_replace("$","",$ua); $host=gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR); $prox=$HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; $real=$HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA; $lang=$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE; $port=$_SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"]; $char=$HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET; $prof=$HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE; $acc=$HTTP_ACCEPT; $time = 8*3600+time(); $new = "$time$divider$name$divider$hp$divider$msg$divider$url$divider$ip$divider$mail$divider$ym$divider$host$divider$lang$divider$port$divider$prox$divider$char$divider$acc$divider$prof$divider$for$divider$real$divider$avatar$divider$replay$divider\n"; $new = stripslashes($new); $f = fopen($data_file, 'a'); fwrite($f, $new); fclose($f); defaultpage(); break; case "delete": if($password == $pw && !empty($id)) { $data = file($data_file); $f = fopen($data_file, 'w'); for($i=0; $i Flooding... protection please back to send again



    '; die(); } include_once 'users.php'; include_once 'sys/inc/tfoot.php'; ?>